jom solat

cambest aBout Me

My photo
kuala Perlis, PerLis DaRuL suNnah, Malaysia
mYfulLnaMe is Muhammad Firdaus bin Mohamed Yunos. you aLL can caLL me meaningful life...our life in this world is, we must take oppurtunity to improve our is simple...i love malaysia....i'm malaysian.... we need to support our country...MALAYSIA BOLEH!!!!!!!!!!!

hikayat hidup muhammad firdaus bin mohamed yunos

start from beginning..............
tanggal 24th february 1989.....
jam 10.20pg.....
@Hospital Besar Kuala Lumpur.....
aku ditarik oleh seorg yg..... berpendidikan...
kedoktoran demi meyelamatkan aku... utk meneruskan kehidupan sebagai.... hamba-NYA....
beliau menepuk2 punggung ku utk.... memastikan aku hidup atau tidak.....
seminit kemudian....
tiba2 kedengaran suara seorg bayi.....
suara i2 adlah aku....
ayahanda & bonda ku berasa gembira setelah aku..... mengeluarkan suara.....
ketika i2 ke4-4 adik beradik ku sedang menunggu.....
kepulangan ku dirumah.....
utk memastikan aku menjadi muslimin yg berguna....
ayahanda ku telah melaungkan azan di telinga kananku.....
sungguh merdu suara ayahandaku melaungkan azan.....
sehingga aku terlena didakapan ayahanda ku...

setibanya aku dirumah.......
aku merasakan hidup ini penuh dengan dugaan.....
riuh rendah disekeliling aku.....
aku hanye mampu tersenyum ketika i2....
aku masih tidak mampu melihat ag....
aku masih tidak mengenali ahli keluarga ku lg.....

2 ari selepas aku dilahirkan.....
setelah mendapat kata sepakat dlm institusi keluarga....
aku diberi nama MUHAMMAD FIRDAUS yg menpunyai...... mksud sebuah SYURGA.......
berat nama ku i2 utk aku memikul sehingga ke akhir hayat....

dri ku ini sudah hampir sebln bernyawa didunia yg fana ini.......
aku sudah mula mengenali ahli keluarga ku......
aku mula berguraw senda bersama mereka.....
dan lama kelamaan mulut aku sudah boleh mengeluarkn.....
perkataan2 lazim bg seorg baby seperti aku.....
lg seronok la ahli keluargaku bermain dgn ku......
beberapa bln kemudian......
aku mengusahakan dri ini cuba membuat.......
satu perubah pd dri ini.....

aku bersyukur ke hadrat ilahi.....
kerana aku mempunyai keluarga yg sempurna.......
trima kasih ku ucapankn kpd ayahanda & bonda.....
abg long, abg ngah, kak lang, serta kak chik......
kerana mereka lah aku dpt menikmati kehidupan di dunia ini...
mereka lah yg mendidik & menjaga aku sehingga.......
aku menjadi dri aku.......
tanpa sokongan & dorongan mereka aku tidak mungkin......
aku menikmati kehidupan ini..........
aku sayang akan kamu sume........
insyaALLAh kalo tuhan pjgkn umur ku......
akan ku bantu kamu sume(familyku)..........

kini, aku sudah berusia 19tahun........
sudah 19tahun aku menjalani kehidupan dgn sokongan & dorongan.....
familyku serta rakan2 yg slalu mendampingi aku......
tanpa mereka sapa la dri ini......
alhamdulillah, syukur kepada-NYA......
kerana pjgkan umur ku.........
sehingga ke ari ini........
sehingga aku mengenal......
erti kehidupan sebenar......
wlaupun aku masih berusia......
19 tahun.......
aku akan meneruskan kehidupan ini......
dengan penuh kesabaran dan ketabahan.......
sehingga apa yg aku impikan tercapai.....
banyak jugak dugaan dan cabaran yg aku tempuh selama......
aku hidup di dunia ni 19 tahun lamanya.........
dari pengalaman la aku mengajar dri ku ini utk.....
membaiki hidup agar diberkati oleh pencipta dri ku yg MAHA BESAR..............
kehidupan ini di ibaratkan roda yg berpusing........

inilah kami........ tanpa ader persediaan.... kami memperolehi kemenangan..... dengan semangat kepasukanan..... kami dapat menaikkan..... nama kolej kediaman kami..... kkF BoLeH!!!!!!!!!

we study 2gether

check it out mY sLiDeShoW

Sunday, March 30, 2008


According to In the Interactive Learning Modules project, we are developing interactive simulation games using multimedia software in the areas of design and manufacturing, the use of multimedia tools to create an environment which simulates an integrated view of a product development process.

The primary layer of the display hierarchy is a set of modules which represent the basic functional units of the project. The four types of modules currently included: (a) simulation, (b) handbooks, (c) case studies, and (d) utilities

a) Simulated role environments where the user may be dynamically interacting, choosing parameters, making decisions, or defining configurations of objects and sequences of events on the screen.

b) Handbook environments where the user is searching for background information and principles in order to support the simulated role.

c) Case study environments in which the user is watching and listening to presentations of real case studies related to the problem being solved. Our current Case studies include animation, video, audio, and 3D (QuickTime VR) presentations of materials.

d) The utility modules incorporate global models and behaviors, and support standard displays. [1, 4].

These display modules and activities interact with the content modules which represent the subject matter of simulations, tutorials, and case studies. Product parts such as electronic components or factory machines can be accessed as design topics, graphic displays, or video displays.

A multimedia environment provides a setting for creation of simulation experiences structured as challenging interactive games. Multimedia software development often entails two conflicting goals.

First the content of the application material must be developed in a structured and reliable software environment. In the case of a simulation or game, the content portion encompasses the data, logic, and computation of the underlying materials. Second the display of the media itself and the associated interactivity requires manipulation of display elements and support for interaction.

The control flow and interaction within such a program is constrained to establish structured procedures or object-oriented protocols in order to sustain reliable development, maintainability, and reusability of code. On the other hand, the interactive navigation required for a flexible user environment often encourages control flow which creates entertaining but unverifiable paths, leading to reliability and deadlock problems in the resulting software. Advantages using the Cybertronic Games Interactive Design tools:

Modules for functional and physical design of electronic circuit boards, and for layout and planning of electronics manufacturing activities are being developed.

Multimedia case studies: Case studies of product development, management, and manufacturing are being developed to explain and analyze the principles which affect manufacturing decisions. An electronics manufacturing line is designed to bring the factory to the user, and incorporates principles of design, fabrication, assembly, solder, and test.

Interactive simulation modules: Integrated simulation takes special advantage of the multimedia environment and involves the user in the decision making and design processes associated with the manufacturing and marketing processes. Video of a real factory is combined with simulation and animation to study the choice of manufacturing systems and the scheduling of activities.

Interactive tutorial units: Handbooks and libraries are accessed to provide necessary background to understand the technical and managerial issues associated with specific manufacturing domains.